Hi Helen, I want to take a few minutes to review the results of your recommended care. First, I think your progress is very good! Before we go over where you are right now and where we need to go, do you remember how you were when you first came in to see us? (It’s good to get a response or comment from them) I know you don’t want to go back there! You were in a great deal of pain in the lower back radiating down into the right leg, making it difficult for you to walk and get around. In fact, you commented how it was almost impossible for you to get in and out of your car and it was naturally keeping you from being able to do any of your daily activities. It was keeping you up at night. That was tough wasn’t it?
(Summarize The Progress You Are Seeing) I am glad to say, and I am sure you are too, that since your first visit, we have seen a great deal of progress! I understand that much of your pain and discomfort has been relieved and you are now able to perform many of your normal activities. It’s really exciting to see how well Chiropractic Works! Aren’t you glad? (Let them respond)
(% Improvement) You’re right where I thought you would be at this point in your care. So what now? Where do we go from here? I don’t want you to be fooled. The condition you are in right now is extremely unstable. In other words, it would take very little to cause a relapse of your pain because your greatly improved condition is not stabilized yet. A wrong turn or lift that normally would have caused no problem at all – could trigger the same pain problem you had before. So now we are going to work on STABILIZING your condition so that you can have normal functions without easily falling back into another crippling condition. Does that make sense to you? (This also explains rehab if you are doing that)
(Schedule of Care) SO FOR US TO ACCOMPLISH THIS STABILIZED CONDITION – you will need to come in… 3 times a week for the next 3 weeks just as we prescribed. At that time we will examine you again to make sure you are still progressing as expected and if you are we will begin moving you toward wellness care only.