Here is an essential step on the ladder of success. How do you make the Integrity System work for you? By putting it all together – doing everything – nothing less than 100%! It’s a very important concept we all need to get. You might say you have it. But in the entire profession, this is a concept that almost no one really gets. If you get it – you catapult yourself ahead of the 98%. It’s important that you get the concept of putting it all together. Romans 8:28 says, “all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.” Now that’s a great scripture. The first key word is “ALL”! How many things are you suppose to work? ALL! Not half the stuff – not MOST of the stuff. No – to win you have to work ALL things. And how do you work all things? TOGETHER – that means you’re supposed to be doing all things all of the time – you know, together! Not some things some months and other things other months – no – all things all of the time! So if you do all things together then the result is: good, for those who are doing all things for the purpose. How often does this work? ALWAYS!
So let’s start out with the purpose part! This is the dream. This is the God given dream! The reason you are here on this planet! That is your 5 year plan that you have developed with your coach. Remember, this plan and purpose is your God given dream. This is why He put you here – for that purpose and plan. He wouldn’t have put you here if that purpose weren’t a great one. The truth is you have a great calling and a great purpose that is awesome and inspiring. You MUST make the dream and your purpose happen!
What is your purpose? You are a healer. You have the ability to heal your entire community. Your purpose is to heal the land. You are the only one who knows how to heal the body the way we believe God intended. You can give life and health to people naturally with your hands. Life experience messes with a persons health and causes a lot of interference and you remove the interference we have caused, allowing the body to be free of dis-ease. You are the true physician. Out of the 7 billion people on this planet only 60,000 know how to do this. You have the ability to take people who can’t get up and you have the ability to make it so they can function. I don’t know why you think you need to try and be someone else or fulfill other functions. You are the envy of all other healthcare. You don’t need to envy others, because you are the envy of all doctors. You are at the height of the health profession. If you could choose any label of doctor, you should and you did choose to be a chiropractor! You made the BEST choice. No one else can get the body well naturally. You don’t have to rely on drugs or knives. You don’t even have to put them to sleep. You get them well naturally and have the ability to walk in any room and give life and health to someone with your hands. That is Amazing. There is nothing that disappoints me more than to meet a chiropractor that tries to act like a different type of doctor. I wonder why you would do that when you are already the best? Don’t be a medical wannabee. Get your purpose! Be proud of it. You are the envy of physicians, not the other way around.
So How Do You Make Your Purpose as the Number One Provider in Healthcare Happen?
If you get your purpose, then the only question is how we make it happen. It makes me sick that we don’t have 80% of the population getting chiropractic care. How do we make it happen where 80% of the population is getting chiropractic? Here’s how we do it: The Integrity System. We start doing “all things” in the system. How often do we do all things? All of the time. The problem is: You don’t want to do ALL things. Everyone wants to do just one thing: everyone wants a silver bullet, it’s always one answer, one solution, one idea, that’s what we want. You don’t want or like to do ALL things – you want and like to do ONE thing. What you need to do is change your thinking. We need to move away from one thing and go for all things. Nothing great can be done with one thing. You cannot go to great heights by taking only one step on a ladder. There is nothing great that can be accomplished with one silver bullet. The reason we don’t get to 80% of the population is because we limit our practices to one thing instead of all things.
Let me use an illustration to prove my point. I want to make a GREAT pecan pie. So I take my wife’s pecan pie recipe and now I have to make some decisions. There are all of these ingredients listed – do I really have to use ALL of them? And then it requires me to use them with certain amounts – are you sure I can’t change that? Which ingredients do you think I should use? How much? Wait…Do we follow these directions or change them to what we think it should be? What happens if we don’t include ALL of the ingredients? Let’s say we choose not to use all of the ingredients and we don’t go by all of the amounts and we don’t follow ALL of the directions to the recipe. What if we leave out the pecans? What if we leave out the sugar? We leave out half of it. What if we change the amounts? What if we don’t cook it at the temperature we were supposed to cook it at and what if we cook it twice as long as it said. Obviously, the results are going to be BAD! When it comes out BAD – which it will – do you say, “What a BAD pecan pie recipe. I don’t understand this. It turned out horrible. It doesn’t work”. OF COURSE NOT, it’s not a cruddy recipe – I didn’t follow it! It’s a cruddy cook making it because I didn’t FOLLOW ALL of the directions. You don’t look at a recipe and say, “Which ones should I put in?” Why? Because all things must work together if you want good results.
So what is the problem when it comes to success? Most doctors don’t want to do ALL things in the system – they are always in search of a ONE ingredient recipe – and that is the recipe to failure. You may be doubting that you have a single ingredient recipe mentality instead of an “all things” mentality so let me give you 4 single ingredient mindset examples to prove my point.
1. “I get all my new patients from referrals. I don’t do anything else to get new patients.” You mean you think it is good to only have ONE source of new patients? There it is again – the single ingredient solution to new patients. I listen and think it’s great to have lots of referrals but why would you want to have ONLY one source of new patients – referrals – when you can do so many other things? It’s your excuse to not do all things.
2. “Which one do I do? Pay off the debts or save and invest? It’s a simple answer: You do both! You can do more than one thing at a time. You have to get out of this single ingredient mentality.
3. “I’ve decided this year I’m focusing on patient education – that’s the key! The key to new patients is patient education. When you educate, you keep the new patients.” Now you are probably nodding your head in agreement and it IS important… but there it is again- that is a single ingredient mentality. Is patient education important? Yes, but it is just A key, it is not the key. Therefore, you have to understand that the single answer mentality LIMITS us in our success. You will rise much higher if you do ALL things rather than simply patient education – but you must do patient education.
4. “Well this month I’m doing a screening at a fair.” Okay, but that shouldn’t be the only thing you do that month. What are the rest of the things you are doing? Why? Because what happens if it rains, snows, cancels, or people don’t show. You do not put all of your eggs in one basket; because you don’t do one basket – you do all baskets. You also can get a lot more new patients from 4 different business screenings than you can from just one health fair. All things is always better than one thing. You make sure all things work together.
Well, have you seen yourself in any of these examples? Have you been guilty of focusing on one “ingredient” instead of being committed to all of the ingredients all of the time.
Hopefully you can see the downfall of a one ingredient mentality instead of an ALL things mentality. The One Ingredient mentality is a lazy mentality. You like it because you are getting out of everything else. It takes less work and thought and organization. You don’t have to do everything else if you use a single answer mentality. In other words, it’s an easy way out.
Another problem with the single answer mentality is that it is self limiting. It’s not that you can’t do more, but you can only get so high on a one rung ladder. Let’s say you have a 32 foot ceiling, and an 8 foot ladder. You will never get 32 feet high with only 8 feet of rungs. If you only have one or two rungs on a ladder, then you are only going so high. It is self limiting. It doesn’t matter if you want to get up 32 feet, you aren’t going to get there with an 8 foot ladder. It doesn’t matter how positive you are, you can’t make it without adding rungs on the ladder. You are not going to have the amazing practice and amazing life with a one rung mentality – you have to use all things. You have to get the concept. We have to change our thinking and concept. Some of you are good at doing new patient activities – but not doing patient education. You need both. I see a lot of start up doctors do all they can to get new patients, then they open and don’t have all the Integrity procedures in place. It’s crazy to not do ALL things! They aren’t following the recipe – and then they will say the system doesn’t work. The problem is they handpicked what they want they wanted to do instead of doing all things. So what must you do to succeed?
Do ALL of the PROCEDURES – All of the Time – Because They ALL Work Together! We have had many doctors say, “Well, we have only done 25% of what we should’ve done and we have still doubled our practice.” Great, but what would have happened if you did all things. I would like to find out! I’ve stopped saying great anymore. Now I say, “Doctor – it’s not good enough – you have to do all the procedures all of the time – your patients and community deserve that!”
The Integrity Doctors System is designed to work TOGETHER – it is RUNGS on a ladder that takes your patient to their maximum potential and your practice to its maximum potential. You cannot climb a ladder with missing rungs – each one are specifically and strategically placed to get the patient to the level they need to go. It’s not designed to be pick and choose – It all works together for good.
When you do the Integrity system, Don’t go into the training saying, “I already know this.” The question is, “Am I DOING these things?” Because all things work together all the time.