Success Principle 3: Love The Dream!

The dream is not just a piece of paper or a statistic. It is not an option. It is not a “new toy.” It is who I am. It lives in my heart and mind as well as on paper. It is the reason I wake up. Why? Because it is a God given dream. That makes the 3rd Key mandatory: I must LOVE the dream! It is not what I wonder about – it is what I must accomplish.

For too long I have lived with tentativeness. I have been easily stopped by people, statements, judgments of others, and past failures. Almost anything could have stopped me on my journey upward because I did not love it. Today that is different. It is dream or bust. I have made the decision to LOVE this dream and no one or nothing will get in my way or stop me. I am Unstoppable!

I am the only one responsible for the results. I understand responsibility and ownership. As an example, I am responsible for my kids because they are mine. It is no one else’s responsibility to take care of them or feed them or protect them – it is mine. I could never walk away from my kids or forsake them. I cannot put them in a closet and forget about them. The same is true of my dream – it is mine. I LOVE it and I could never walk away from it or put it in a drawer and forget about it. I must feed it and take care of it – it is my job to raise my dream! I cannot blame my parents, my spouse, my past, my failures, my community, the president, the government, or the economy if I do not make this happen and I cannot expect them to do it for me. My dream is not up to anybody else – it is mine. No excuses! I LOVE it and I must take care of it.

I love it even when I cannot see it. The dream isn’t a reality today. I understand that. If it was – it wouldn’t be a dream. It is too big and special and important to be able to be accomplished today. But I will enjoy the journey. I will grow from the lessons of the journey. Even when I get behind, I will not quit! I don’t have to win every day to win the goal. Nobody ever said I will be ahead at halftime. This is a five year plan not a five month plan. I have the time. I have the determination – the will – and the vision.

The fact is my dream is so big it seems impossible at times. But I KNOW: if I believe, ALL things are possible! Therefore, I choose to LOVE it! The dream is so big it would be scary – but I have no fear because I LOVE it. I believe in it. It is a big dream and I will not apologize because it is bigger than I can accomplish on my own. I want amazing! History has proven that the people who have accomplished their dream and won their race in life have never been the most talented or even the most intelligent. Winning has always gone to those who believed the biggest and the most. Without this faith in
my dream it is impossible to please God!

The only people who have dreams come true are people who love dreams.