Success is more than a dream. It cannot be a painting alone. The 2nd Key: Success requires a plan. I will not rely on luck or fate or the lottery. This is not a hope list. This is not a “slot machine” dream. I will not wait to see how my future turns out, but instead I create and control my future with a detailed plan. It is not “pie in the sky” or wishful thinking because this is a dream with a well thought out plan. How do I come up with the plan?
The plan is so big it requires a team of experts! The plan is so important that I could never rely on my ideas alone. I will seek wisdom. I will seek counsel. I will force my eyes and ears to focus on recordings and books and information that will contribute to my vision. I need a coach and a team. Most people fail because their ego won’t allow them to admit and listen to help.
I will actively seek the counsel of my coach and listen. Why should I try to reinvent the wheel? I have a coach that has already been down the road. I will listen and follow directions.
I will share my dream with my family to get their input. I realize the dream will be hard for them to grasp as well, but once they know I am going for it they will have ideas I haven’t thought of. Even “From the mouth of babes (my kids)” can come some great insight!
I want all the ideas my staff can muster up to make this happen. The dream requires creativity and strategies beyond what I alone can come up with. Their experience will also help me avoid mistakes. I can benefit from the experience of others.
The plan requires details. My strategies must be exact! I will treat them just like architectural plans – they must be down to the last detail. I want to know exactly how this dream is going to become a reality. No generalizations are allowed. I will know exactly where the increases in my practice are going to come from and how!
It takes a great imagination to perfect a great plan. I have to be open and creative. I must put myself in a place where I can think openly and positively. My surroundings matter. The places where I choose to plan will be magnificent surroundings. I will take the time to get away – to be inspired by my surroundings and atmosphere. I want to make my plans in a place that represents where I WANT to be rather than where I AM.
My strategies are so complete that it gives me confidence in the results. I have over planned so that if something doesn’t work as well as I had thought – there is room for error and I can still attain my dream. My strategies are actually bigger than my dream. My destiny is assured. I will focus on the plan daily.