Success Principle 13: Be Resilient!

The 13th Success Principle is Resilience. It is number 13, but it is not unlucky and it is not any less important!  This principle covers the ability to BOUNCE BACK!Every success story has had to bounce back!  Everybody has hurts and problems both seen and unseen.  This is not just about bouncing back when life knocks you down, it is about bouncing back even higher than you ever thought possible after you DO get knocked down.

In “the ring” of work and business it isn’t a question of whether or not you will get hit – it is a question of what you will do and how you will react, when you DO get hit – and you WILL get hit. What do most people do? Quit! They feel sorry for themselves. Shrink back. Make sure everybody knows their reasons for being at the bottom. They become a victim to their hits and hurts.  What do the CHAMPIONS do? They bounce back higher!  How do you handle your hits? Your hurts? Your knock downs? There is no formula for not getting hit – but there IS a formula for bouncing back!

Here is the 3 step formula to resiliency. 

1. Let Your Dreams Control Your Direction and Not your hurts! When you get hurt – Dreaming is usually the first thing to go!  If your hurts control your direction – you will never go anywhere. Dreaming keeps you young. Never stop dreaming about what can be and what is to come! Dream about impossible things. Dream all the time – In the shower – in the car – in the hot tub. Be like Peter Pan – never grow up and avoid becoming a realist – Why? You will stop flying!  When you start dreaming you start flying! 

If you have stopped dreaming because of the hits or hurts – start back! Bounce Back even bigger!

2. Resilience Requires Mental Toughness. A Resilient person must wear mental blinders. The mistake is made when you become an “expert analyst” of problems.  You conclude that the successful have not had problems, or failures, or injustice to the degree that you have.  The difference isn’t in “the degrees” of circumstances – the difference is in how you THINK about those circumstances.  The Resilient have made themselves BLIND to their failures, misfortunes, and disasters so they do not become depressed or controlled by it. It is like opening old wounds and never letting them heal. Most love to STUDY their knowledge of “the facts” which qualifies them to be what they call “realists.”

Successful people know the difference between the facts and the truth.  For example:  Your bankruptcy is a fact. But that doesn’t make you a financial failure for life. Don’t accept that failure as an eternal TRUTH – because it isn’t! The TRUTH is you were made for abundance and you can have it! To be resilient, you must become BLIND to the bankruptcy.  Don’t look at it – think about it – focus on it – focus on the truth – your ability to have financial success and abundance! 

Here’s another example: your divorce is a fact. Now you must see a totally different future – new future – happy future without conflict and discord and strife. The TRUTH is you are a good spouse – a good parent – a good person – and the TRUTH is going to win out – you will prove it!

Remember, you are NOT a life failure or business failure – the TRUTH is you are a life success and business success and your future will prove it. Let your mind be controlled by The truth not the facts! Allow the truth to recreate your reality!

3. Resilience requires a Strong Faith! Resilient people are faith people.  Stop trying to do this on your own! You can’t!  Believe for the miraculous and pray about everything! God can handle it! Whatever you ask for He can make possible! You must shed your limiting beliefs!

What comes to your mind hearing the term World Changer? Do you have enough faith to see yourself as a world changer? The way you see yourself and believe in your potential either enlarges your capacity of success or reduces it.  Why is this important?  If you have a mediocre faith – mediocrity is the practice you are limited to have.  You will practice and live in your mediocre comfort zone. With a mediocre faith, it’s easy to take The Integrity System and find a way to reduce it to a be a mediocre system.  You can kill any good procedure or system just by the way you believe in it.  Your mediocre mentality tells you where you belong and where your practice belongs. The difference has nothing to do with reality or talent or skill – it has to do with the way you believe. This is why you must increase your faith to be resilient! To raise your faith means to raise your results by increasing your faith in your capacity. 

Resiliency is the ability see yourself as bigger than you do now.  Do you see yourself as a multi-million-dollar clinic operator?  Or a team member who can impact millions?  Do You see yourself as a World Changer? You CAN and WILL change the health of your community by being the health care leader in your community. You can do this because you are resilient!