There is no such thing as a great life without a GREAT God supporting it. Everything great requires a solid foundation. You cannot build a 20 story building on quick sand. In fact, the bigger the building – the stronger the foundation must be. The same principle is true for success. The bigger your success is the stronger your spiritual foundation must be. There is no success without spiritual success. Why?
Your Whole Purpose/Dream For Life – Comes From God
Your purpose – your vision – your dream – is born out of your spiritual life. It is a God Given Dream. Your DREAM is God’s will for your life – He gave you the dream and His will (purpose) is your number one priority.
What is your purpose on this planet? Heal the land. Heal the community – free them of disease. You are the only one who knows how to allow the body to heal itself the way God intended it to be.
You know how to remove the interference so that the miraculous healing power of the body can work! You are the true physician on this earth. Everybody needs it. You must fulfill your purpose. You are here to give your community life and healing and health! You want to give your world the gift of wellness!
When you are healing the body with chiropractic care, you are fulfilling the spiritual purpose of your existence just as a pastor is fulfilling his or her spiritual purpose when they are teaching or preaching. It is exactly the same thing and that’s exciting!
We do not believe we are here by accident. We believe we are here to fulfill a purpose. We believe we MUST accomplish our plan and dream in order to please the author of the dream – our God.
Now you know how important that it is to make the dream happen. How many people are going to miss out on the healing and the health that God intended them to have – through you? You need to get out there and make sure everybody gets your care. If there are 100 in your community – you can’t stop at the 99 – go for 100!
What if you don’t live for this Spiritual Purpose?
Without God and without his dream and his purpose for our life we would live and practice for ourselves and our interests and our concerns only. The goal becomes to make a nice living and to work as little as possible. It becomes all about you. On our own we are selfish and self centered and lazy. We would have no interest in changing lives – We would only be interested in our own life. We wouldn’t be consumed with reforming health care – We would only be interested in making a comfortable living. We would live for ourselves. It wouldn’t bother us to see all of the hurting people as long as we are okay. That is the life of the spiritually bankrupt. The spiritually lost are dreamless, hopeless and faithless. They are takers – not givers. They are moochers, not creators. They take advantage of people rather than providing for people. That is what we are…without God. Show me a great dream that makes a difference in people’s lives and I will show you a God given dream and purpose.
Accomplishing nothing in life requires no faith – no prayer – and no higher power. That’s why so many people are good at it – it is easy. It is within their reach. People with big dreams do not pray because they have been told to – they pray because they MUST or they will fail. The dream is bigger than they are! Their life REQUIRES God. We are DRIVEN to our knees by our dream. We pray for a miracle because our dream requires a miracle. The only people who experience miracles are those who believe in miracles. The successful believe in miracles and know they must pray to experience them. Without prayer, all you get is what you can do on your own. Your own talent and skills and brain power. Your own influence, vision, and mediocrity. We are not interested in a life lived in our own strength and power and resources. No, we must have God at the Front of our lives so we can experience greatness. ALL of our success begins with spiritual success and without spiritual success all other success will eventually come tumbling down.
We are asking and believing God for much more than “blessing the food to the nourishment of our bodies.”
The Bible
We search the scriptures for answers on how to live the dream. How have other people who believed in God lived the dream? What did they do? We know that all the “rules” of success can be found in that one book. It gives us the character and integrity and guidelines necessary for a successful nation, civilization, business, home and personal life. Every success is built on a foundation of success rules and guidelines and our source of rules is unquestionable – the Bible. We succeed BECAUSE we live by morals and ethics – not in spite of it. We succeed BECAUSE we live by honesty and love, not in spite of it. We choose to follow the COMMAND to LOVE our community and we love our mission. We live by these teachings of love and we succeed by them. We are commanded to love God and love people and heal them – that sums up our belief.
The Bible was not meant to be our guide to judge others or tell others what to do. We must search the scriptures for our own light and life and way. As Integrity Doctors, it is our job to do our best to follow it and live it and hope that it will eventually inspire others to do the same. We want to be Living the Bible as best as we can. What does that mean? Love God and Love people and heal them.
How do we live the Ultimate Dream – Heaven?
It is by grace that we are saved – nothing of ourselves – just in case anybody should try to make you feel that way. It is a gift from God! There was a guy who went up to Jesus one time and he thought he was a real law obeying elitist. The Bible says he had done everything right since his youth. He kept all the rules, never did anything wrong, and he was sure this was his ticket to “living the dream” in heaven. Knowing he would get the big nod from Jesus, he asked him, “What must I do to inherit heaven?” He was ready for Jesus to say, “just keep on doing what you are doing, you are an awesome law keeper”. But Jesus said, “Well, you are right, you have kept all the laws and you think that is the ticket so let me give you something you haven’t done. Sell everything you have and give it to the poor.” The guy was sad and responded by saying “I can’t do that!!!” (Matthew 19:18-26)
Jesus said – “Right, now you get it, you can’t do it!”
Not even Mother Theresa went to heaven because of what she did. Heaven isn’t something that you earn or do. If it was, it would take the attention off of God and put it on to you. Heaven is something GOD does and it is a gift of grace. And because he gives grace freely… we should too! That is spiritual success! Give grace freely.