Success Principle 1: Work With Purpose

I have what it takes to live this dream. Dreams are not prejudiced. Dreams are not limited to the rich or the smart. Others may be smarter or finer looking, they may have been born into better circumstances and appear to have more “breaks” but that does not matter to me. Dreams are no respecter of persons. The poor can afford to dream just as big as the rich! Dreams are blind to color, age, IQ, looks, surroundings, history, or the judgments of others. The only one who can limit my dream is me. I have everything I need because I have the keys to unlocking my dreams. Most dreams are never lived because they are never seen. Never visualized. Never painted. So, first I must PAINT the dream – that is the first key. I must know exactly what it looks like right down to the last detail. Everybody is born with a dream – but for whatever reason, only a few have painted it to perfection. My first priority is my painting – My picture of Prosperity!

I will start with a clean canvas. Not a canvas with somebody else’s life or practice or desires with only a few of my personal little touches added to it. My dream is unique to me and it fits me perfectly. I want to live a never thought of before life. I am not comparing myself with others – I do not want to be limited to the accomplishment or expectations of others. There must be no limitations to the dream – so I start clean. I am comparing myself to my purpose and my potential only. That is the only marker of success. When I live the dream, I am a success.

My picture of prosperity is not only unique, it is BEAUTIFUL! Who would want to paint a picture of disaster and sadness and poverty, of health or finances? I am not painting a picture as it is, I am painting things as they will be. It has all the people in it that I want. It has the things in it that I want. It has the practice success in it that I want. It has the miracles in it that I want. I am not afraid of too much success! I believe God’s will for my life is a beautiful one.

My greatest fear is that I will make this dream too small. It takes time to paint this dream. It takes some dreaming skills I have never worked on before. I will take my first dream efforts and double it – just to make sure I am not dreaming too small. If the dream doesn’t scare me I will continue to grow it until it is beyond what I can do in my own strength and abilities. Then I will know I am getting close! I want an amazing Painting!