Achieving your purpose demands that you telephone the patient the day of their first adjustment. This is a GREAT way to demonstrate the care you have for your patients. Do not look past the POWER of this procedure! NO ONE else does this. It will make you stand out in their mind, build their trust in you and, as you will read below, it also allows you to elevate the importance of their future appointments with a simple reminder.
The doctor makes this call, not the staff!
Procedure: #
Call the patient before you leave the office and ask them how they are doing after their first chiropractic adjustment.
This is EASY and POWERFUL. You ALWAYS know the answer before asking the question.
ANSWER: “It is what I expected”
• If they are feeling well, say: “That’s great, it is what I expected but I wanted to call to be sure” (Make sure they are following your recommendations)
• If they say they don’t notice any difference or are a little sore, say: “That is what I expected and that is why I suggested you use the heat or cold that I recommended” (Make sure they are following your recommendations)
• If they should say they are really sore, you say: “that is why I am calling. I expect that some patients will feel pretty uncomfortable and I am calling to reassure you that it is o.k.” (Make sure they are following your recommendations)
Then confirm their next appointment with them (yes, that means you need to KNOW when that is… day and time). AND, confirm their How To Stay Young Class appointment too (day and time)
That’s it! typically less than a 2 minute conversation but a HUGE step forward in the process of getting the 80%!