Patient Instructions: #
Either during the first Champions Day event or at the final Wellness Report, each of your Wellness Champion patients should be given the following Destination Wellness Rewards Program Brochure that they can scan with the camera on their phone in order to sign up for your FREE digital rewards program! This brochure can be ordered through our VistaPrint Pro Shop found by touching here.
Once the patient scans this code with their phone, they will be taken to the following link to fill out and join the FREE program.
Front Desk Instructions: #
To add punches to your patients digital cards after they’ve completed a wellness visit, start by downloading the Loopy Loyalty smart phone app for either iOS or Android here:
Once downloaded, open the app and enter the following information.
Username: integritydoctors+checkin1 #
Password: Wellness1! #
After you login in Tap the blue ‘Scan Card’ button.
Point the camera at the QR code of your Loopy Loyalty stamp card.
You’ll then see a preview of that stamp card, along with the following information:
Name of your customer (if you collected that from the start)
Lifetime stamps: total number of stamps this customer has ever collected
Rewards available: rewards this customer has earned but not yet redeemed.
Last visit: when this customer last earned a stamp or redeemed a reward
You can issue a stamp, redeem a reward, or do both at the same time! Simply tap on the blue plus or minus icons to add or deduct stamps. Tap on the reward your customer wants to redeem (if available). Then for iOS tap on the Submit button on the top right of the screen or tap on the blue stamp icon on the bottom right corner for Android.
Note: rewards already redeemed will not appear here.
Confirm that you want to issue that number of stamps or redeem that number of rewards by tapping ‘Do It’.
The app will then issue stamp(s) and/or redeem reward(s).
Program Rules: #
This rewards program is only available to Wellness Patients. After each wellness visit, the patient has the option to show their card at the front desk and the office staff will scan their loyalty card using the method explained above and it will “punch” a reward. After the 8th visit scan, the reward will automatically show up in your scanner app. The reward can either be applied on the final scan or on a future visit!
The App Password Will Change at Least Twice A Year To Protect The System From Leaked Information. The Loop Loyalty app should not be downloaded by the patient as it gives you the full control to stamp the digital cards. You can make one or multiple stamps and you can remove stamps. Reminder, this is on the patient to remember and scan at the end of their visit. This is not available to patients on federally funded health care plans. This program is only available digitally and no other format is supported.
Child Enrollment: #
For families on wellness care, we require one card per email address no matter the age of the person registering. To register children on the same parental device, multiple cards can be saved to a single device only each person must register via a desktop computer instead of with the QR code flyer and then open the registration confirmation email from the device where you wish to store the card. To make visiting this desktop site easier, we have setup this domain which goes directly to the registration page: