Core Valule 3: Passion

At the very core of our being we have a love and passion for patients. A passion to see everyone gets WELL. Not just some of our neighbors and friends, all the members of our community. We want nobody left out. We love people and have a passion for their natural health. We want to see our community stop taking so many drugs because they are OUR patients. They are now getting regular chiropractic care and are allowing the one who made the body to heal the body. Drugs and surgery become the last resort instead of the first attempt. We want to see adults reach old age and still be able to move and function. We don’t want them losing all of their mobility because they didn’t take care of their musculo-skeletal system. We want to see them able to play with their kids and grandkids. We have a passion for changing the health of our community. We believe we can do it if we have the love and passion to do it.

We love patients! We can’t see too many! We can’t be too busy! We are always wanting one more. We think about it all the time! We love to hear the phone ring. Why? Because every time we hear the phone ring we think it must be a new patient! We are on a mission for getting 80% of our community under chiropractic care. We want to see every baby start their health care naturally with chiropractic. Kids grow up experiencing so many falls and bumps and bruises and we want no child left behind! We want all kids taking care of their structural system so they have a healthy system when they become adults. Whenever we meet a new patient we immediately have the need to meet and see every one of their family members. We won’t stop until we see all of them.

We look for people to tell about chiropractic. Places to get into. We want to meet and know all the leaders in the community and we want them to be under chiropractic care. We look for ways we can dominate the community and make our clinic FAMOUS! We want our clinic to be the star of the community. We want to get to know the mayor, the city council, the board of education, the principals and teachers, the police and fire departments. We want to know our elected officials. We are on a mission – we have a passion for patients. Are they getting chiropractic care? Have they been to our clinic? Why not? We want everybody!
We learn the How To Stay Young class so we know what to say to people. We want to be able to give it at any time to any group or individual. We want to know how to explain to people why their entire family needs to come in and get care. They have no idea. The only way they will ever know is if we tell them.

Maybe we have an iPad and we could put the presentation on our iPad and be ready to share at any time. But as long as we know the information that is all we really need to pass along to others. We keep invitations to the How To Stay Young class with us at all times so we can give them to people that we meet and invite them to experience chiropractic. In the office, we make sure that all new patients have taken the class and if they haven’t, it is our passion to get them there. Why? Because our class is the education they need to STAY and continue with their recommendation of care. It’s what they must know to understand why they need to become wellness patients in our office. It’s exactly what they need to understand WHY their entire family needs to be under chiropractic care. This is our objective as well. We need to get their entire family under care. The class is the KEY to everything we are trying to accomplish. How do we do it?

Call Them on the Phone!
When we haven’t seen a patient in a while, we pick up the phone and give them a call to check on them. We set a goal of reactivation calls that we will make every week. We have a system in the office where we know how to get names and phone numbers and call those patients each week. We must get them back! Let’s get them under regular care! We call first and text second.
Find them on Facebook!
Message your friends on Facebook and contact them through Messenger! We must post our success stories on our Facebook Page. We must tell everybody what a great day we are having seeing people get well. We must post all of our office events and share them with all of our friends to get the word out. We tell everybody how excited we are about it and after the event is over, we all post a report on how great it went. We have a passion for creating excitement about our clinic on Facebook.
Be Aware of our Patients!
We will keep our eye out for patients when we go out to eat or go grocery shopping or anything else we are doing in the community. We are happy to speak with them if we see or recognize them. Try to be aware if we have seen them lately or not, and if necessary, do a reactivation right there!
A passion for patients is not a part time value or a part time job. We are always representing the practice no matter where we are. Our passion is a 24/7 representation of our mission and value! If we only do the things we talk about at work or “when we think about it,” we lose the true impact of the value. We must wear the core values 24/7. The core value of having a passion for patients must be a constant purpose. We must make our passion for patients the plan for doing our job.

We must keep a systematic plan so we know everything gets done. We need to know the number of phone calls, the number of text messages, and reactivation activities. This must become our lifestyle. This is what makes it a passion for patients. When someone cancels an appointment, we are crushed and we do everything we can to keep them there. We don’t want anybody to miss an appointment even once. 20 out of 21 visits aren’t enough. Our patients must be at all of their treatments and all of them on the day they are supposed to get them. It’s our passion.

This isn’t the way a normal practice functions and it isn’t the value or mindset of the normal staff. A normal practice has no passion and little to no passion for patients. The staff likes it when the office is slow because it makes their work easier. A cancelation means a possible break! They don’t want to work at getting new patients or keeping them on their schedule. Those offices want patients to come in with no effort like an entitlement program. They want them to make all of their appointments just because they are supposed to, with no effort on their part. That is what makes a passion for patients such a rare gem. This is what makes us stand out!

Front Desk: When we answer the phone we say, “Can I help you make an appointment?” Why do we ask that? Because it’s the reason we answered the phone in the first place. We want new patients and we want to keep the patients we have. We don’t have to be told to answer the phone by the third ring. Why? Because our passion leads us to answer before the patient even has a chance to hear a single ring.

We can hardly wait to answer the phone. We are excited that it is ringing. We don’t want anybody getting our voicemail.
Some might say, “wait a minute, a passion for patients isn’t in my job description. If anybody has a passion for new patients it should be the spinal screener because that is their job. They are supposed to go out and meet the leaders of our community and look for places to have lunch and learns. They are supposed to get all the new patients. Not me!”

The truth is that most practices just sit around waiting and hoping for people to come in to see them. Nobody has a passion for patients. Most practices have no spinal screener. They make little or no effort at all. They like to act like it is beneath them to want patients. Most chiropractic offices sit around and criticize the ones who DO work to get new patients. They are actually just lazy and uncaring. They don’t want to work or have passion, they just want to wake up and make a nice living without effort. It is an entitlement mindset instead of a passion for patients.

This Integrity verified office has a passion for patients as a core value. When we have our core values in place, everyone on the team is LEADING the charge to PROMOTE chiropractic and get new patients. We want to change heath care and we know we can do it. Everybody here has a passion for patients. No matter the position or where we are located in the office, it’s a core value. Patients are the purpose.

Imagine if a teacher said teaching would be great if it weren’t for the students. The problem is that there would be no teachers if it weren’t for the students. Students are the only reason they are there. Patients are our purpose and the reason we are here. Patients mean job security. We are thrilled when there is a last minute new patient that gets scheduled. It means we just got one more person of our community! Each time we get one more, it will help us get 10 more! Each person knows at least 10 other family members and friends. So one always means 10 and we are excited to have them! We are excited at all times of the day, even after closing time. We are thrilled because it’s worth it and a part of our purpose. We are eager come in early to accommodate another new patient.

Lastly, our passion for patients never ends! Even after they complete their stabilization care. Even when they are on regular wellness care. It’s just like parenting. It’s easy to think after your kids get a certain age and become an adult that they no longer require or need parenting. The job isn’t over and no one goes back to life as if they had no kids. It doesn’t work that way. Parenting is permanent. Most of the time our kids face problems that are much bigger the older they get. We must never lose the love or need to help. The same applies to our patients. They may have gotten out of pain, but our responsibility doesn’t end there. They need to be lifetime patients and it is our job to get them there and keep them there. We never lose the love or the need to help them. We can lose that wellness patient if we don’t keep the passion for them and keep encouraging them. We must keep checking on them. Our passion has to continue with them forever or they will fade. We can never lose our passion because it’s a CORE value!!!