Core Value 2: Chiropractic

In chiropractic, we must share our successes openly! The public doesn’t know chiropractic. They don’t know how to say it, spell it, and they definitely don’t know how well it works. They need to know the tremendous healing power of chiropractic! We have got to stop being so quiet and bashful about the VALUE of chiropractic care. They deserve to know the great response that your patients get from chiropractic. We can’t act like they already know how great chiropractic is and know all the great results that come from the chiropractic adjustment. The question is this: How are they going to know if we don’t tell them? It’s not like they can read about it in the paper. They do NOT know all of our good news!
Chiropractic as a profession has a tendency to take its success for granted. We even have a tendency to forget all the great results our patients get ourselves.

The success gets lost or hidden almost immediately. It may not even be announced in one of our staff meetings much less to our patients. We have got to start talking about the VALUE of chiropractic and wear it like a crown jewel. Show it off. Parade it in the office. It is almost like we assume the patients already BELIEVE it will work. How could they? They know nothing!!! We don’t think about the fact that they might question the effectiveness of chiropractic.
Patients don’t have the opportunity that you have of working in your office day after day and seeing all the tremendous results that you get to see on a daily basis! Patients are not sold on chiropractic when they come into your office, any more than you are sold on buying the first car you see on a new car lot. Think about this for a minute – When a sales clerk asks you if they can help you – what is your response? Usually we say, “Just looking” because you are! You are not there because you are sold on a certain car, you have come in to see if they have a car you would want. That is what your new patient is doing. They have come into your office looking to see if you have what they need, but they are not sold. It is your job to sell them. Talk chiropractic!

They are really new LOOKERS, not new patients. They are still wondering if they should have bought something they saw on a late-night infomercial. It’s only $39.95 and they can get a second one for free. They wonder if they should hang upside down on that inverted chair or buy a My Pillow. They wonder if they should just wait and see if the pain will go away. They wonder if they should have gone to an MD, if they haven’t already. There are all kinds of things in their head. They are not sold! They must be TOLD about the great successes of chiropractic and assured they have done the right thing by coming in. And this can’t be limited to their first day with you. You have to talk chiropractic every day they are in your office. The encouragement and assurance must never stop. Patients forget fast. You must wear the chiropractic value every day and share these successes openly!

Since patients don’t know chiropractic, how to say it, how to spell it, or that it works, one of our core values must be to share our successes openly! They have a right to know! You need to have 10 memorized success stories from your clinic.

Be prepared to blow them away with testimonials! Become a bragger! Chiropractic deserves it. Your doctor deserves it. One thing is certain, the only way you will start sharing success stories openly is if you are PREPARED to share our success. You have to be prepared and ready like a gun that’s already cleaned and loaded with bullets. You have to have your testimonies ready to shoot! If you don’t have anything prepared to say, you won’t say anything! But if you have a list of at least 10 stories prepared to share them, it’s easy to find opportunities to share them. You can make it happen this way. You need to know what they are, so be prepared!

Some of these success stories can be the patients and their tremendous results you have witnessed firsthand. But others can be cases the doctor has given you. The important thing is to not make them the 10 most unusual or strangest success stories that have occurred in the office. Maybe you had a patient get their hearing or sight back after being deaf or blind, but very few patients come in with the complaint of blindness or deafness. Limit the unusual miracles to about 2. Make it the 10 most common cases you see in the office, so you can use them often with patients who have the same complaint or symptom. Share success stories that a patient can relate to, something that THEY have or their family has. It can be something their aging parents may be going through or their kids, but not some rare disease. What are the common cases? Just take the 8 most common complaints in your office. Neck pain, low back pain, headaches, sciatica, and pain in the joints. Want more proof? Just check the complaint list of your last 100 new patients and you will see the complaints are pretty common.

Why should they be the common cases? If you went to a store to get some clothes and the employee of the store kept going on and on about the tremendous dishwashers they have for sale and all the things that dishwashers will do, that’s nice and all, but you didn’t come in here to get a dishwasher! You came in to get some new clothes! Shouldn’t the employee be bragging about the great clothes? When you have a patient who comes in with terrible neck pain or headaches, what cases should you be openly sharing? You COULD tell them about the great results that kids are getting with ADHD or autism. But they didn’t come in for those symptoms and they aren’t a kid and they don’t have ADHD or autism. Why not tell them a success story about what THEY came in for? Why not talk about THEIR health concerns? We also don’t talk about how other things help them with their health concerns. We must tell them know how chiropractic helps them with their concerns. We must talk chiropractic. We need to tell them how CHIROPRACTIC has solved the health problem they came in with and illustrate it with cases in your office. By the way, as long as you don’t use full names that would identify anybody – you don’t have to worry about HIPAA.

So, when CAN you talk about the kids getting great results with ADHD? Openly share success stories with patients throughout their care! Don’t feel like you can share these success stories with new patients only. You should be sharing these great success stories throughout the patient’s care! It will help to inspire any patient you are talking to so they will continue with care. It will help remind them to refer other patients who are suffering with the same thing your “examples” have experienced and now benefited from. Once a patient has been coming for a while and they are no longer in pain, it’s GREAT to openly share stories of “miracles” and other types of cases that have been seen in this office. By the time your patients complete their stabilization care and have been moved to wellness care, they should be FULL of chiropractic success stories!

That leads us to the final important point to this value, make sure it is CHIROPRACTIC Success Stories. Chiropractic is the VALUE! You are probably thinking, “Well, of course. What else would we talk about?” Actually, there’s a lot “else” going around in most practices and you don’t even realize it. You can easily find yourself talking massage. The wonders of massage and how great it feels and how well it works and before you know it you have sold them on Massage Envy and not Family Chiropractic. The shame of this is that they already know about massage. There are already a lot of nicer and more luxurious sources to get a massage than your office. Massage doesn’t need your promotion. Remember, it’s chiropractic the patients don’t know about, not massage.

You can start talking about the wonders of supplements and how since taking those pills, a patient you knew is now well. You can start talking diets and a whole host of things that patients can get anywhere else. They already know about vitamins and supplements and there are sources to get those things on every corner for half the price. They don’t have to come to you to get vitamins or supplements or diets. There are a million books, magazines, and TV programs on all of these nutrition topics including how to lose weight. Just turn on any afternoon talk show and pick up any magazine you want. Patients already know this stuff and they can get this stuff from anybody as it requires no license.
Here’s a question: is chiropractic in all the magazines? Is it on all the TV shows? Maybe “The Biggest Chiropractor?” Or is there NO place for patients to hear about the wonders of chiropractic. We need to talk about the wonders of chiropractic because if we don’t, it won’t happen anywhere else. It will never be known. There is no other source but you for them to learn about the success stories of chiropractic. Most likely, patients will not hear about it at their MD’s office. And how many massage places promote chiropractic? Massage doesn’t promote chiropractic even close to how chiropractic offices promote massage.
Some chiropractic offices put priority in the scanning of their patient’s feet and start fitting them for orthotics. Do you think that is the first mission of the office? Is that the mission that the new patient came in to get? THAT is what they wanted? Or did they think they were coming in to find out about chiropractic? Do they not know what a shoe insert is? That too is everywhere. They can get their feet scanned almost anywhere including Walgreens,

Walmart, CVS, New and Balance shoe stores. Do those same stores offer an adjustment there? It’s time to start talking chiropractic and showing the patients where are true value lies.
Remember, when sharing these success stories, it doesn’t have to be a patient you know. You are a representative of the clinic and not just yourself. When the doctor or other staff tell you about a success story and you want to use it all you have to do is say, “We have a patient who.” People are always encouraged by testimonials and success stories. As an example, when you go to a car dealership to buy a car, you might ask the salesman, “Do you have any Escalades?” He or she will say, “Sure, I have several, let me show you.” The salesperson doesn’t mean that he or she personally has several and that you’re going to his or her actual garage or house. The salesperson represents the car dealership and the car dealership has several Escalades.

When you tell a patient about a success story, you represent the practice and this is a practice story. Don’t worry, you don’t have to actually know the person and it doesn’t have to be you or your family. Simply say “we have a patient who,” with total sincerity because you represent the practice. When you share these success stories, you will also find they help and encourage you as well. It reminds you of why we have our purpose and why we want the 80% under regular chiropractic care. We can change the health of our community! We can change lives by inspiring with our stories and we will reform health care. We are going to do it and we are going to do it naturally. But we need the stories to remind us and our patients of our PURPOSE and remind them the importance of chiropractic care!

So, Value number 2 is Chiropractic. We must share our success stories. What are the rules? Share Common Success Stories. Share Success Stories that concerns the patient. Save the miracle success stories for later on in their care.